Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Snowman Activity- Nursery

Date: 18-12-2020

Students of nursery made a snowman as a Christmas Festival activity.

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Winter Season Activity in Nursery

Date: 18-12-2020

Children making caps as winter season activity.

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Hand Gloves Activity in Nursery Classes

Date: 17-12-2020

Nursery children enjoying making of hand gloves as an activity during the topic winter season taught. 


Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Pyjama Party - Nursery

Date: 15-12-2020

Pyjama party was held for Nursery classes on 15th December, 2020. Children had blast and had fun time. They enjoyed the story and scavenger game. It was exciting for them to make chocolate milk  and drink during the party time.



Greenlawns High School, Warden Road


Date: 07-12-2020

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road


Date: 07-12-2020

Kindergarten 1 2 and 3 celebrated fancy dress competition with lot of excitement and enthusiasm.


Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Children's Day Celebration ( Kindergarten)

Date: 23-11-2020

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Children's Day Celebration ( Nursery)

Date: 23-11-2020

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Children's Day Celebration ( Preparatory)

Date: 23-11-2020

The Preparatory children celebrated Childrens Day by having a Fashion and Talent show competition which was held on 23rd Nov, 2020. Each child performed their inner talent with great enthusiasm and eagerness. It was very wonderful and amazing to see them perform. It was a fun filled event.

Preparatory 1 winner's

1st Pranaya Shah
2nd Kyra Gandhi
3rd Dhwanit Morakhia
1st Consolation Jinaksh Shah
2nd Consolation Vihaan Shah

Preparatory 2

1st Jianni Shah
2nd Niva Kulkarni
3rd Kyle Doshi
1st Consolation Hridhaan Chonkar
2nd Consolation Yashvardhan Bhatia

Preparatory 3 winner's

1st Hiyan Shah
2nd Yugam Kanungo
3rd Mahi Chheda
Jiyaan Shah -1st consolation
Himaira Shah -2nd consolation