Greenlawns School, Worli.
Teachers' Feedback:
The workshop on 'Child Nutrition' was very useful, informative and well organised. The speaker gave practical advice and simple solutions to improve not only the child’s nutrition but also our nutrition. She suggested valuable tips about what children should eat in order to stay healthy. It was a very nutritious and healthy workshop to attend. Sapna spoke about how every mother can find the ingredients in their very own kitchen to prepare a healthy and wholesome meal for their growing child. She highlighted the crucial importance of a healthy meal for all age groups. It was an extremely enriching session with nutritionist Sapna and she provided numerous health-beneficial food options for children.
Parents' Feedback:
1) I would like to thank our Principal, who arranged such a wonderful session, which was very much needed during this pandemic. In the current situation, every mother is worried about the immunity of her family and especially, her child. Nutritionist Sapna gave insights of how simple changes in our diet can help us restore our immunity. She also threw light on the forgotten Indian 'super foods'. This makes us realise how rich, nutritionally and medicinally our Indian food is. I cannot forget the yummy recipes shared by Sapna, that will really help us in giving our children healthy snacks.Thank you to our School and Nutritionist Sapna for giving us such a wonderful session.
-Reshma Kulkarni (Parent of Aditi Kulkarni, Std 6)
2) The workshop on 'Child Nutrition' was very nice and informative. We learnt a lot about children's nutrition and also about how to give them nutritious mid-meals and the importance of these meals. We would really like to thank our Principal and teachers who took the effort to organise this workshop. We would like to have these types of workshops more often as during this pandemic, our children need to eat more healthy foods, as there is less activity. Hence, nutrition plays a major role in our children's life. Thank you again for everything you all do for our children.
-Mahek Talreja (Parent of Sia Talreja, Std 8; CR of Std 8)
Greenlawns School, Worli.
Digital Eye Strain Awareness Programme
Mr Salil Parab (a parent of one of our students) arranged a Digital Eye Strain AwarenessProgramme for our school teachers, parents and students of classes 2,3and 4. Our speaker Dr Neha Dholakia (an ophthalmologist) spoke about simple eye exercises, the type of food we should consume and also answered the children’s questions. I would like to thank our principal miss Caroline Vaz for organizing this insightful session for us and I would also like to thank Mr Salil Parab for arranging this session for us.
Greenlawns School, Worli.
Words of Wisdom by Our Principal
Greenlawns School, Worli.
Health, Immunity and Probiotics Workshop
Health, Immunity and Probiotics Workshop
The Online Health talk by Dr. Neerja on Intestinal Health, Immunity and Probiotics was organized for the students of Greenlawns School due to the tireless efforts of our principal Ms. Caroline Vaz.The workshop was held on the following dates:18 th August – Standard 3 to Standard 5 at 1.30 pm 19 th August - Standard 6 to Standard 8 at 11.30 am20 th August - Standard 9 and Standard 10 at 11.30 am Each of the sessions were well attended by students, class teachers and parentswith approximately 50 participants per session. Dr. Neerja was extremely patient answering all the questions by our students. The best part of the workshop was that each one was unique and informative due to the pertinent questions posed by our intelligent students. This aspect was appreciated by Dr. Neerja herself when she said that it was her pleasure to be associated with a school where the children were so well informed and she complimented the principal and the teachers for having brought out these qualities in the children.
Pradnya Parkar Teacher –in-charge
Greenlawns School, Worli.

Greenlawns School, Worli.
Greenlawns School, Worli.
Greenlawns School, Worli.

Greenlawns School, Worli.
Betadine Workshop

Greenlawns School, Worli.
Career Guidance Workshop

Greenlawns School, Worli.
CPR Workshop
On 24 th September 2019, First Aid and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
(CPR) workshop was conducted for the teachers by Dr. Atish Laddad, from‘Docterz - Power to teacher, Power to save life’. Docterz at School arms educational institutions with emergency teams comprising Paediatric Advanced Life Support(PALS). It was a Paediatrician Supervised School Health Program organised for teachers since children spend 7 hours i.e., 200 days a year in school.Comprehending the significance of providing a secure lifestyle to student, and focussing on mental health as well, this workshop trained every teacher with efficient child assessment and diagnostic measurements to take care of the student’s innate medical needs. Teachers were given hands-on-training on CPR - a life saving technique which is useful in many emergencies, including a heart attack or near drowning, in which someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped.The most accredited benefit of training in CPR was the ability to save lives.Emergency situations always need immediate response to actions, especially CPR,as an ambulance might not be able to arrive immediately. At the end of the workshop, the teachers received a CPR certificate. The CPR certification cards erves as a proof that every teacher is aware of the procedures needed to aid a patient suffering from a cardiac arrest or any life-threatening ailment.The main focus of this workshop was on converting the school to a Health Promoting School by engaging all aspects of a child’s health – physical, mental and social as outlined by WHO and the Government of India.

Greenlawns School, Worli.
Immunity Yakult

Greenlawns School, Worli.
Workshop For Parents - Happy, Active and Young Minds
25th September 2019
The school invited parents of students from standard 1 to standard 4 for an interactive program which was aimed to guide parents through the various parenting styles. The program was conducted by a Senior Practicing Psychiatrist and Paediatrician.The speakers very delicately touch upon Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) and different forms of learning disabilities. The aspect of how academic performance was affected by reading difficulties, writing difficulties, behavioural difficulties and poor social behaviour. Have a long-term impact on the child on their growth and development.The speakers had an open discussion with the parents about various parenting styles like Helicopter, Authoritative and Permissive parenting. They suggested the best was using a combination depending on the situations. The parents took back a great deal of information and ideas. Teacher incharge - Ms Sonal Jalan

Greenlawns School, Worli.
English Workshop By S.Chand
16th November, 2019
We were given an opportunity by our Principal Ms Caroline Vaz to attend the English Workshop conducted at Jamnabai Narsee School by S. Chand Publication on 16th November 2019. The workshop was about creative teaching techniques. The host divided us into groups and gave us different tasks to solve. One was creating a story,another one was a memory game and the third one was summary writing. The session was informative and creatively put forth to the teachers. The trainer gave teachers valuable practical ideas for adopting communicative methodology and improving the effectiveness of English language teaching in school. The primary purpose of this training was to explore the importance of teaching English and to find solutions to the problems that teachers face in the classroom.- Ms Donna ; Ms Isha
Greenlawns School, Worli.
Once Upon A Time…
15th June, 2019
Learning about new and more effective ways to accomplish things and gaining more knowledge about subjects and concepts are all excellent reasons to attend workshops. I was given an opportunity by our beloved Principal Ms Caroline Vaz to attend a workshop on storytelling – “ONCE UPON A TIME…” on 15th June, 2019 in collaboration with Pitambar Publications. Stories play a vital role in the growth and development of children. It was a day long workshop aimed to enhance the quality and efficiency of modern day education with the means of storytelling. Storytelling is a unique way for kids to develop an understanding, respect and appreciation for other cultures, and can promote a positive attitude to people from different lands and religions. It also improves listening skills. The session was packed with enriching experience, scrumptious food, interactive games and heart-warming stories. Speakers are selected on the basis of being knowledgeable in their field and being able to relay that information in a charismatic way. Ms Nupur Agarwal – a master of story teller captivated the audience with her various forms of story narration. The art of storytelling was conveyed through various modules, enactment, voice modulations, props, musical instruments and creative arts. To further enrich the session Ms Sangya Ojha, an internationally praised puppeteer from ‘Galli Galli Sim Sim (Sesame Street) provided insights on puppet making and its incorporation into storytelling. In the concluding session, she performed with her Muppet ‘Tara’ and left the audience fascinated. My takeaway from the workshop was - The enthusiasm for reading texts to find stories, reread them, etc. Gives a motivating reason for English language learners to speak and write English and storytelling makes learning simpler and full of fun. - Isha N Gandhi
Greenlawns School, Worli.
Personal Safety Training

Greenlawns School, Worli.
Stress Management Workshop for Teachers

Greenlawns School, Worli.
Debate and Public Speaking - 7th October, 2019
A workshop based on Debate and Public speaking hosted by JML School was conducted on the 7th October, 2019. Innovative ideas on debating skills were rendered by Ms. Kiran Misra, the resource person. The workshop was divided into two segments. The first half focused on construction of arguments for a debate. Ms Misra showed a PPT to illustrate how to choose and record materials and anecdotes to build a strong argument. She further pointed out that repetition of words and content without strong facts makes up for a weak debate. She further highlighted the importance of body language, content and time are the most important aspects of debate. Post lunch, the teachers attending the workshop demonstrated the varied styles of debate, choosing a topic of their choice. The session was indeed interesting and enlightening as during the demonstration there was a lot of brainstorming and exchange of ideas that took place. It was an enjoyable yet a great learning experience. It helped the teachers to learn new ways of teaching the art of debating in a classroom.-Ms. Bipasha.
Greenlawns School, Worli.
What is a safe touch and an unsafe touch? What should the child do if someone touches them inappropriately? Helping children identify their trusted circle of family members and caregivers allows them to be confident about sharing any unpleasant incidences.Teaching safe and unsafe touch can make a child sceptic about everyone, till they learn to define their instincts and stand up for themselves. Better to say than an adult convincing the child to blame self for being abused.
It helped our children learn about –
1) How to be safe
2) Identify the trusted people around.
3)To make children understand when to say NO.
4)What Steps to be taken in unpleasant circumstances.
5) How to stand for oneself and be confident.
Inspector Snehal Patil from Worli police station along with her colleague conducted the workshop for our school children in the School hall.A big Thank you to our dear Principal, Ms. Caroline Vaz for thinking so much of the safety of our children and for giving me this opportunity to organize this workshop which is the need of the time.
Teacher In-charge-Ms. Reema Wagh

Greenlawns School, Worli.
First Aid in Self Wound Care
The Betadine Workshop was conducted in the school on 16 th August 2019 to explore an Interactive and informative program on “First Aid in Self Wound Care”.
Through this Interactive program, the issues that were addressed were:
1) How why Self Wound Care is important?
2) How First Aid and little precautions can avoid complications?
3) How even a young child can give First Aid?
4) Dos points to remember during First Aid First Aid Kit.
5) How can we keep our hands germs free to avoid various diseases infections? The School was proud to be a part of this Nobel and complimentary program; specially designed to impart scientifically correct information.
The School was proud to be a part of this Nobel and complimentary program; specially designed to impart scientifically correct information.
Greenlawns School, Worli.
The Angklung Learning Workshop
The Angklung is a musical instrument from West Java, Indonesia, made of a varying number of bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame.The benefits accrued from instilling and restructuring the socio - cultural amalgamation to a fun filled day with mirth and laughter. The children learned this new form of symphony and acclimatised with the beautiful bamboo instruments.The troupe of artistes consisted ofOn 27th of August, 2019, our esteemed Principal Ms. Caroline Vaz along with theConsulate General of Indonesia, Mr. Ade Sukendar organised an ingenious workshop of Angklung learning.
- Mr Yayan Mulyana ; Conductor
- Mr. Fajar Imani ; Angklung Players.
At Greenlawns School, Worli, we have often grabbed the opportunity to interact with foreigners as we teach our children to be global citizens. It was our honour to host the International guests from Indonesia. This talented band of musicians had a distinctive style and charm. They displayed their quirky musical instruments and spoke about how Music is the ‘Dance Of the Soul’. The Secondary section was thoroughly enthralled by their music and it captivated their imagination in many ways. The power of Music can be felt by everyone as it transcends borders and countries, it is truly a universal language.It has a soothing effect and a healing power too. For some cowed down by the stress of the demanding lifestyle, it has a remedial, calming effect too. We were very grateful to the Indonesian guests as they gave us an insight into their culture and their society through their traditional music.
Teacher In charge: Ms. Arlene.

Greenlawns School, Worli.
Movtivational Talk by Mr. Zulfiquar Ghadiyali
Our standard 10 students had the opportunity to hear Mr. Zulfiquar Ghadiyali. Mr. Ghadiyali is has his children studying in Greenlawns School,Worli. He is an estemmed and renowned businessman, he visits various Management institutes as a Guest Speaker and has been a Guest of Honour at umpteen number of Internation events.He was kind enough to visit our school and motivate the students with meaningful words. Mr. Ghadiyali stressed on the importance of academics and hardwork along with sincerity in order to get through class 10 and even further in life.He asked the students to strive for excellence and that good grades were sure to follow. He narrated a number of personal experiences which got him closer to success. The students of standard 10 loved the motivational speech. "I felt like it was him in my shoes" said one class 10th student. "Only when you teach students importance of practicality in life are they sure to succeed", said Mr.Ghadiyali. We thank Mr.Ghadiyali and wish him all the success in his future and current endeavours.

Greenlawns School, Worli.
Workshop For Students - Money Matters
Money Management Workshop was conducted on 2nd August for the students of Std 5 to Std 7 and 9th August for the students of Std 8 and Std 9 to make children realise the importance of savings at an early age. Ms. Archana Bhingarde conducted the workshop in a very child friendly manner. The workshop emphasised the importance of SIP(Systematic Investment Plan) as an investment which gives good returns if done at an early age.

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Greenlawns School, Worli.
Arpan's Personal Safety Education Programme
Arpan is a registered NGO based in Mumbai working on the issue of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) with a team of dedicated and skilled professionals since the year 2006 with the following vision and mission.
Vision: World free of Child Sexual Abuse Mission: To empower individuals, families, communities and society with prevention and intervention skills to reduce the occurrence of child sexual abuse and heal its psychological, social, sexual and physical consequences.Arpan is a child-centric organization and strongly believes in empowering children with adequate knowledge, attitude and skills to prevent instances of child sexual abuse as well as to seek support when such an incident has occurred. In alignment with this philosophy, one of the core interventions of Arpan is the Personal Safety Education Programme (PSE). The Personal Safety Education Programme includes the implementation of a life skill module that has been developed by Arpan to prevent children from becoming victims of sexual abuse. Arpan conducts this module with children in privately owned and government schools in an urban and rural set up as well as with highly vulnerable groups of children through NGOs, and in shelter homes and orphanages. The PSE Programme also involves awareness building and skill enhancement of adults like parents, teachers and institutional caretakers who are the primary stakeholders and caregivers in a childs life. These stakeholders are empowered with adequate information and skills with regard to child sexual abuse so that they can create strong safety and support networks around children in their respective environments.
The Personal Safety Education Module relates to 3 levels of prevention:
- Risk Reduction: Risk Reduction incorporates efforts to empower children so as to prevent them from sexual abuse. For example, an educational programme that teaches children about their personal boundaries and saying No to unwanted touches would constitute CSA risk reduction.
- Primary Level Prevention: Primary level prevention incorporates imparting value-based information which teaches empathy to children and ingrains in them that it is not alright to touch someones private body parts. In doing so it creates awareness of not only ones personal but it teaches to respect the other persons personal boundaries as well.
- Secondary level Prevention: Secondary prevention of CSA involves immediate responses after the abuse has occurred so as to respond to the short-term consequences of abuse and prevent additional harm. Teaching parents, caretakers and teachers about providing first level care and support at the time of disclosure is an example of secondary level prevention.
- Tertiary Level Prevention: The PSE programme of Arpan also paves the way for the tertiary level of prevention by referring children in need for psychotherapeutic services and by engaging parents in their childrens healing and treatment processes.
The aims of the Personal Safety Education Programme are:
- To empower children by imparting age-appropriate information and; skills related to Personal Safety and by building their self-esteem in order to prevent and; protect them from sexual abuse.
- To reach out to adults and make them aware of their role in keeping children safe.
- To develop an alternate medium/ tool to disseminate personal safety education in order to reach out to a diverse population of children within the community with an aim to reduce instances and vulnerability to sexual abuse.
- The Online PSE Programme Considering the current Covid 19 situation and children being at home, Arpan is currently offering the PSE programme through the online platform. As we all know that the current lockdown situation has opened up new challenges for adults and children. Hence the online PSE programme will also cover topics like online safety for children, adult and self-care in Covid - 19 pandemic situation. Along with this we will also cover personal safety messages around identifying safe and unsafe situations, assertive refusal and seeking help from an adult through our lesson plans with children. We have online sessions for 3rd to 10th grades. These courses are interactive activity-based as well as age-appropriate for children. The courses are available in English, Hindi and Marathi. What will the children learn through the Online PSE programme?
- 1. To identify safe and unsafe situations both online and offline.
- 2. To develop skills of assertive refusal and seeking help from a Helping Adult.
- 3. Children will learn that its Not Their Fault in case if they have faced an unsafe situation. Implementation Process of the Online Personal Safety Education Programme: The Online Personal Safety Education Programme is implemented in the following manner:
- Step 1: Capacity Building of Parents/Teachers/ School Counselors Parents and teachers are the primary and the most important stakeholders in a childs life. The child's safety is their responsibility. Hence its important to enable the existing support system within theschool/ institution like the teachers/ counselors/service staff/caretakers/social workers with information, attitude and skills to identify visible detectors of sexual abuse, to handle disclosure, provide first level support to children who are reporting cases or undergoing counseling. The Pre-session with parents and teachers is done in order to create awareness about child sexual abuse, its causes, impact and the importance of the Personal Safety Education. It also helps to involve parents and teachers as an integral part of the programme and to address their queries around the online PSE programme. These awareness sessions with adults will be of 45 minutes duration.
- Step: 2 Lesson Plans with children: Arpan trainers will be conducting lesson plans with children between Grades 3 rd to 10 th . We will be using the online PSE courses and our abridged modules to conduct these lesson plans. Arpan will be using various platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, WhatsApp group calls to conduct these sessions based on the schools and parents preferences. For schools where children are not able to access the online platform, we will be creating videos and resource materials with the key content of the PSE programme. These will be shared with children via WhatsApp / SMS and followed up with a detailed individual telephonic calls to ensure that the child has understood the key messages.
- Step 3: Individual Session followed by counseling/referral: After completion of lesson plans, we will interact with every child through one on one telephonic calls through the individual sessions. The objective of the individual sessions is to revise the Personal Safety Messages and to answer queries from children. Its also a safe space for children to disclose any instances of abuse. Children who report instances of child sexual abuse and indicate the need to undergo intensive therapeutic intervention for any other reasons as well are referred for psychotherapeutic support to the Arpan in house counselor/s or school counselor/s.
- Step 4: Post-session with Parents and Teachers: Once the module is carried out with the children, a post-session is conducted with parents and teachers in order to understand their experience of the programme for e.g., any change in childrens behavior and their usage of new terminologies of private body parts etc.