Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Literature Role Play Activity - Primary

Date: 01-12-2021

A Role Play class activity was conducted on presenting a store on 1st December 2021 for Std 2. Students were told to create/reconstruct a shop/store environment with items/things available at home. Student had to enact like a store owner/ shopkeeper. Students had to introduce the store and show the process conducted at the store. Customers can be members of the family.

Objective of the activity was: Play is the most effective way to give children hands-on experiences. Children may improve their thought, vocabulary, imagination, speaking, and listening skills through imaginative play, whether they are reconstructing real situations or creating imaginary worlds.

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Constitution Day(Primary Section)

Date: 26-11-2021


Constitution Day, also known as National Law Day, is observed annually on 26 November to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India. The Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India on 26 November, 1949, and it came into force on 26 January 1950, which is celebrated in the country as Republic Day.

On the occasion of Constitution Day,the students of std 3 and std 4 of Greenlawns High School performed various activities such as rangoli,painting and oratory.

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Greenlawns High School, Warden Road


Date: 18-11-2021

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road


Date: 28-06-2021


Greenlawns High School , Warden Road  

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