Greenlawns High School, Warden Road


Date: 22-09-2023

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Teacher's Day

Date: 05-09-2023

Teacher's Day 2023

"Teachers are like angels leading their flocks out of darkness”. On 5th September 2023, Greenlawns High School celebrated  Teachers’ Day to entertain and felicitate these angels in disguise. 
The Teachers' Day Celebration began with a prayer dance followed by a skit put up by the students of Std 10. The students were eager to bring a smile on the faces of their beloved teachers through their performances. Children sang  a song and the teachers also enjoyed the spectacular dances put up by the children for them. Fashion show on the theme of supers -stars held the audience spellbound.
 This year too our school made every teacher feel special by felicitating each teacher with a crown, a sash which read : World’s Best Teacher” and a gift.  Our Principal Ms. Caroline Vaz was felicitated with a trophy with a beautiful poem engraved on it stating, ‘We want to be like you’. Through these wordings the children expressed their love towards their principal whom (as the poem on the trophy read) they wanted their role model too. 
The management treated the teachers to an extravagant lunch at Glocal Junction,Worli.
The teachers are grateful to their principal Miss Caroline Vaz, for the grand celebration of Teachers’ Day. It was due to her guidance that such a show could be put up.

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Assembly Standard 4 C

Date: 29-08-2023

A class assembly was conducted by the students of Std 4C on 29th August, 2023.The assembly highlighted the importance of a clean and green environment.The  skit was based on a true story of a young boy who is an inspiration for everyone to work towards a clean, green and a healthy environment.The skit included  songs and dance related to the environment.The children learnt an important and valuable lesson of keeping our surroundings clean.

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Assembly Standard 2 A

Date: 23-08-2023

A class assembly was conducted by Std 2A on 23rd August, 2023 on Impact of Social Media. The entire class of 37 students performed on the stage. It included narration, speeches, enactment, music and dance. It showed how life has changed due to smartphones and the harmful effects of social media. The children learnt that the different apps should be used in the correct way. The performance was appreciated by Miss Caroline, teachers and the children.

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Independence Day Celebration (Primary Section)

Date: 15-08-2023

Greenlawns High School’s Primary section celebrated their patriotism fervour on 14th August, 2023 with a high intensity performance. We began with the National Anthem, followed by a patriotic song sung by our little munchkins and then concluded with a short skit on the importance of Independence Day and the role played by our freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh, Subhash Chandra Bose, Jhansi ki Raani, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Gandhiji. The teachers, students and parents worked very hard to make this event a grand success. The students looked very adorable with the perfect costumes and makeup. The program was enjoyed by one and all.


Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Independence Day

Date: 15-08-2023

"Marching towards a future full of possibilities, guided by the principles of freedom and education. Happy Independence Day from Greenlawns High School! "




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Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Donation done at Tata Memorial Hospital

Date: 14-08-2023

 One lakh generated from class canteens was donated today to children suffering from Cancer at TATA memorial hospital. Thanks to each one of you for your kind generosity. May you be blessed in abundance 🙏🙏🙏

Thank you to the children,parent Mr.Bhavesh Bhavna and Ms Lata for going personally to hand over the amount 🙏🙏🙏

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Delhi -Amritsar-Attari border project trip

Date: 30-07-2023

click here to view more photos

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road


Date: 28-07-2023

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Assembly Standard 4 A

Date: 26-07-2023

On the 26th of July, 2023 an assembly was conducted by the students of standard 4A on ‘The Pied Piper’ highlighting the value of ‘Honesty’. The assembly conveyed the message beautifully and was thoroughly enjoyed by one and all.