Greenlawns High School, Warden Road


Date: 21-07-2023

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road


Date: 14-07-2023

The Inter House Ingenuity Competition is an excellent platform for the children to showcase their creativity on the spur of the moment. The competition was held on 14th July 2023. Each house performed exceptionally well and it was a task for the judges to decide on the winners. The topics were given to the children on the spot and they were given 5 to 7 minutes to prepare. Each house did their best and came up with out of the box ideas to perform for each round.

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Inter House Western Dance Competition - Primary Section

Date: 14-07-2023

Inter-House Western Dance Competition , Primary Section held on 14 th July 2023 where our young dancers moved their feet to the beat of the music and performed well. Each one put in their best and rocked the stage.

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Interhouse English Handwriting Competition-Primary Section

Date: 10-07-2023

The Interhouse English Handwriting Competition for the Primary Section was held on 10th July,2023.The students took great pains and efforts in submitting neat handwriting.

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Marathi Elocution

Date: 07-07-2023

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Marathi Elocution competition

Date: 07-07-2023

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

MASTERCHEF COMPETITION ( Secondary section )

Date: 05-07-2023

Winners .

Middle school- Grade 5,6 and 7

1st- India (blue)
2nd- USA (yellow)
3rd- Mexico (green)

Senior school- Grade 8,9 and 10.

1st- Mexico( green)
2nd- India (blue)
3rd- USA ( yellow)


Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Inter- house English Elocution Competition

Date: 23-06-2023

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Interhouse Spelling Bee Competition (Primary Section)

Date: 23-06-2023

The Interhouse Spelling Bee Competition was conducted for the students of the Primary Section on the 23rd of June,2023.The children participated with great confidence and enthusiasm.
It was a tough competition and the children did a good job!





Greenlawns High School, Warden Road


Date: 23-06-2023