Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Rangoli competition (Secondary section)

Date: 07-06-2024

Rangoli is a form of an art where creativity can be showcased using beautiful colours and patterns. An inter-house Rangoli competition was organized on 7th June 2024 for students in two groups, seniors (Std 8 to 10) and juniors (Std 5 to 7). Four students from each house participated in each group. Topics given to the participants were 'Unity in diversity' for juniors and 'Nari-shakti' for seniors. Children put in lots of effort and came up with amazing ideas. The judgement was based on creativity, neatness, colour-combination and message. Rangoli competition was a huge success.


Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Rangoli Competition

Date: 07-06-2024

Rangoli competition was held on 7th june 2024 in the School for primary section grade 4th.Engaging in the competition allowed students to express their artistic abilities and creativity through the medium of Rangoli, enhancing their artistic skills.

Winners of the interhouse rangoli competition 
















Greenlawns High School, Warden Road


Date: 18-04-2024

Interhouse masterchef competition was held on Thursday, 18th April 2024. Students from grade 5th to 10th participated enthusiastically and made a variety of healthy and scrumptious dishes. There was a plethora of well presented  dishes. Students kept in mind the nutritional value of each dish while preparing it. They decorated each dish innovatively which  enchanced the aesthics of the dish.There culinary skills were par excellence.





Middle school result
First place-Blue house-65 points

Second place- Red house and Yellow house- 62 points

Third place- Green house- 52 points

Senior school results-
First place- Green house- 80 points

Second place-Blue and Yellow house-77 points

Third place- Red house-66 points

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road


Date: 12-04-2024
The handwriting competition at school is a fantastic opportunity for students to show off their beautiful writing skills. It's a chance for everyone to demonstrate their creativity and precision in writing.  The competition emphasizes the importance of good handwriting, which is a valuable skill to have in school and beyond. It's a fun and engaging way for students to improve their handwriting while having a great time competing with their peers.
This handwriting competition was held in the Greenlawns High School for the middle school on 12th April, 2024. 


Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Wall Board competition

Date: 05-04-2024

The recently held Wall board Competition at Greenlawns high school showcased the creativity and vision of our students as they explored the theme of ‘India emerging as one of the most powerful nations in the world’.

Students exhibited creative interpretations of the theme, each capturing the essence of India’s ascent on the global platform. Judging criteria such as presentation, creativity, message and colour combination played a pivotal role in evaluating the wallpapers.

The Wallboard competition at Greenlawns High School served as a testament to the talent and creativity of our students, as well as the deep-rooted appreciation for India’s evolving role in the international arena. Through the artistry and imagination, they illuminated the part towards the future where India stands tall as a beacon of progress and prosperity.





First Place

Green House


Second Place

Red House


Third Place

Yellow House


Fourth Place

Blue House



Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Art Competition (Primary Section)

Date: 01-04-2024

Keeping this in mind and to explore the creative potentials of the young minds of our Primary students an Inter House Art Competition was conducted on 1st April, 2024.
Our students showcased their creative skills in drawing and colouring and came up with amazing art work.Each of these drawings were done so beautifully and diligently by the children,it was a treat to the eyes.

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road


Date: 11-03-2024

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Inter house Choral Recitation Competition (Primary Section)

Date: 09-02-2024

Greenlawns High School hosted an enchanting Inter-House Choral Recitation on the 9th of February 2024, showcasing the talents of its students. Each house participants displayed their pieces beautifully, delivering them with grace and eloquence, accompanied by appropriate gestures and movements tailored to their level of understanding. The competition, judged by Sir Gerry and Miss Pallavi, assessed participants on various criteria such as the selection of the poem, creativity, clarity, voice, modulation, and expression. The teachers in charge of this event, including Ms. Shivangi Ruparel for the Red House, Miss Ayesha Jogina for the Blue House, Miss Aesha Shah for the Green House, and Miss Ruzin Charna for the Yellow House, put forth tremendous efforts to ensure the smooth execution of the competition, resulting in a memorable and successful event for all involved.

Greenlawns High School, Warden Road

Inter House English Essay Writing Competition

Date: 07-02-2024

On 7th February, 2024 the Primary Section had organized an English Essay Writing Competition. The aim of the competition was to encourage young minds to showcase their writing skills.  The topics given were:

Std 1 - My Teacher

Std 2 - My Favourite Game

Std 3 - My Favourite Season

Std 4 - The Best Day of my Life

The creativity displayed by the young writers was noteworthy. The event fostered critical thinking and creativity among the participants. At the end of the competition, three winners from each standard were selected based on the judges evaluation.


Greenlawns High School, Warden Road


Date: 01-02-2024