Greenlawns School, Worli.

Rangoli (Secondary)

Date: 10th December 2019

Theme: Christmas

Rangoli is an ancient art and timeless tradition that is followed all over India. The word rangoli is said to have been derived from the “Rang” and “Avail” which refers to a row of colors. Student can develop their creativity, skills of aesthetics amongst them. Students from all four houses participated earnestly and with enthusiasm. The theme of the competition was Christmas Rangoli. Rangoli making is an integral part of Indian tradition and culture. Beautiful rangolis adorn the Indian houses, especially during festivals. The colorful and vibrant rangolis presents a picture of festivity and gaiety. All the houses gave their best. The children of the Green House were Niyati, Areena, Diya and Ananya won the competition. Beautiful imaginations on the floor in the form of rangoli. It was like Santa coming and spreading the color of Christmas on the floor. Teachers in charge : Ms. Arlene Ms Alpa

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Essay (Primary)

13th September 2019

Friday, 13th September 2019. The topics were assigned to the participants on the spot. The children of Std 3 were asked to write on the topic “My Mother” and Std 4 were asked to write on the topic “My Best Friend”. The essay was judged on the basis of the student’s Creativity, Language, and Content. The purpose of the competition was to encourage the students to enhance their thinking and writing skills. The essays were well written by the children.

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Fancy Dress (Primary)

3rd October 2019

Curricular and co-curricular activities have equal importance in-school program for the all-round development of the child. Keeping this in view, Greenlawn's School, Worli conducted the Fancy Dress Competition on Thursday, 03 rd October 2019 for the children of the Primary Section. The purpose of conducting the competition was not only to develop confidence in the students by giving them an opportunity to speak in front of their classmates and fellow classmates. Children were dressed in their colorful costumes and spoke a few sentences about the character that they depicted. The effort and hard work of children were highly commendable. Our Principal, Ms. Caroline Vaz guided me by not restricting the competition to a particular theme. It was a wonderful idea as children got an opportunity to display their talents with great zeal and enthusiasm. They dressed up as adhaar card, plastic, traffic signal, robot, gadget man, farmer, dustbin, ATM, etc. and emphasized upon their tremendous hard work and achievements. The competition proved to be a great learning experience for the children and gave them a platform to explore their hidden talents with confidence. What matters most in such events is not winning or losing, but participation.Ms. Isha N Gandhi

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Hindi Debate (Secondary)

14th of January, 2020

A debate enhances argumentative skills and improves a child’s logical thinking. This competition particularly helped the children as they spoke eloquently in the second language-Hindi. This competition was held on the 14th of January, 2020. the red House won the competition. Teacher-in-charge: Ms. Bipasha

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Choral Recitation (Primary)

20th September 2019

Choral recitation is a literacy technique that helps students build their fluency, self-confidence, and motivation in recitation. During choral recitation, a student, or a group of students recites a passage together, without a teacher. Children find choral recitation enjoyable; they willingly practice the word recognition that helps them to give a polished performance. Children low on confidence have the support of their mates. It also enables them to gain confidence and allows them to experience a well-rehearsed, expressive rendition. Students who have difficulties with fluency can

really benefit from choral recitation because it provides them with a model and practice. It broadens their experiences with different genres. The respective house teachers’ captains and vice-captains guided the participants and assisted them to perfect their phonics, vocabulary, and rhyme. Teachers in charge – Ms. Sonal and Ms. Donna.

The winners were 

1st position – Red House

2 nd position – Green House

3 rd position – Blue House 

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Indian Dance (Primary and Secondary)

Inter House Dance Competition is conducted in the Primary and Secondary Sections. The theme for Primary dancers was a solo dance on Bollywood songs. The theme for Secondary dancers was Folk dance. This year it was conducted was conducted on 14th August 2019 in School. Hall for both the sections. List of prize winners for the Primary section are -

Std 1 Std 2

1st - Gayaan Joshi (I) (R) 1st - Veeraj Nadar (G)

2nd - Prisha Kumar (I) 2nd - Hetvi Jain (G)

3rd - Riddhi Talreja (I) (B) 3rd - Meet Jain (Y)

Consolation - Naisha Kapoor (B) Consolation - Sioni Jain (R)

Std 3 Std 4

1st - Saanvi Gawade (R) 1st - Saashi Dalvi (R) & Swasti Kadam (Y)

2nd - Jaanya Gada (G) 2nd - Aryaa Bala (G)

3rd - Bhavika Bhandari (B) 3rd - Tanisha Dhokad (Y)

Consolation - Rishan Wagh (G) Consolation - Kavya Ingale (R)

Secondary Results –

1 st place – Red House

2 nd place – Blue House

3 rd place – Green House

Best Male dancer – Dev Talreja

Best Female dancer – Niyati soneji

Teacher In-Charge:

Ms. Reema Wagh


Greenlawns School, Worli.

Indian Music (Primary)

The inter-house singing competition was held in our school hall on 14th August 2019. All the house teachers took efforts to select and take practices of the respective participants of their houses. House teachers and parents were given the Rules for the competition prior according to which the participants were trained. Our dear Principal, Ms. Caroline Vaz encouraged our primary students to participate and perform confidently. Thank you Ms. Caroline for the opportunity to conduct this event in our school. Also Thank you to our Primary teachers for all the support. Teacher in-charge –Ms. Radhika