Greenlawns School, Worli.

Diwali Greetings from Shirke Family (Parents )

Date: 14-11-2020

Greenlawns School, Worli.

#Baldiwas 2020

Date: 08-11-2020

DAY 1 - 08-11-2020


1) Parashar Parab

2) Viraj Tripathi 

3) Vihaan Keer

4) Dya Jain 

5) Naisha Kapoor

DAY 2 - 09-11-2020


1) Ammanali Ghadiyali

2) Swastik Kangutkar

3) Veeraj Nadar

4) Bhavika Bhandari

5) Kian Desai

6) Sheehan Ranka

7)Mahir Shah

8) Aarya Bala

9) Saashi Dalvi 

10) Tanisha Dhokad 

11) Swasti Kadam 

12) Malhar Kankal 

13) Anusha Raut

DAY 3 - 10-11-2020


1) Aditi Kulkarni 

2) Shivangi Maheshwari

3)Anrav Zagade

4)Swaranjali Suryavanshi

5)Namaha Kangutkar 

6)Hrisha Jain

7)Tatva Bhansali

8)Zareena Ghadiyali

9) Siya Shetty

DAY 4 - 11-11-2020


1) Swaranjali Suryavanshi

2)Pulkit Agarwal 

3 Aarav Gosrani


DAY 7 - 14-11-2020

CLASS 1 TO 12 -Children's Literature E-Conference

1)Pratig Parkar 

2) Niti Karania 

3) Charvi Shinde

4) Siya Shetty


Greenlawns School, Worli.

Sir Tushar's Birthday

Date: 22-10-2020

Greenlawns School, Worli.

COVID 19 Awarenenes Campaign

Date: 10-10-2020

COVID - 19 Awareness Campaign 

I am “Suresh Ghode” father of Shlok Ghode who is Studying in Std.2 of Greenlawns School, Worli.I am “Suresh Ghode” father of Shlok Ghode who is Studying in Std.2 of Greenlawns School, Worli.Today i am going to share my experience during Covid-19 Pandemic. I am working in MunicipalCorporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM).When the Covid-19 Pandemic started in March 2020, lots of offices were closed & most people wereallowed to work from home. But MCGM offices were working as it is an essential service. As perdirections we have started using mask for protection. Wearing a mask during 8 hours of office timewas very difficult initially, but after some days we got used to it as it was new normal.We provided MCGM staff with mask, sanitizers, liquid soap, etc. for protection against covid-19 &also asked them to maintain social distancing. Also automatic sensor type sanitizer dispensermachine & thermal scanner for measuring of body temperature was installed at entry of our office.Wash basins were provided with foot operated taps for safety. Above measure can be used in ourschool if it starts during ongoing pandemic.Since our MCGM staff has to go to office daily by common transport, some of our colleagues gotinfected of Covid-19, but fortunately they recovered from it & there were no casualties.At home i am using UV rays sanitization box for sanitization of things like mobile, watch, small foodpackets, currency notes/coins, etc. when coming home from office or shopping.Before Diwali due to MCGM efforts total Covid-19 patients in Mumbai were gone below 10,000.Therefore people have started taking pandemic lightly & were not following Covid-19 safetyprotocols like wearing mask, washing hands regularly & maintaining social distancing. Hence nowpost Diwali Covid-19 patients have started increasing.My appeal is to all people that, it is more than necessary to follow Covid-19 safety protocols now tostop spread Covid-19 & save the humanity.Thank you for giving me opportunity to share my above experience during Covid-19 Pandemic.
Suresh Ghode

Preeti Sajanikar28/11/2020

COVID 19 Pandemic and Mental Health

COVID 19 Pandemic and Mental HealthRight now, we all are facing crisis situation due to CORONA pandemic.We repeatedly learning about healthcare as we want to protect ourselves fromthe infection.Dr Dhussa explained us about the cause, symptoms and cure of the disease.Dr Swathi told us about home remedies, what should we eat and what should weavoid.Reena Jain and Kanishka Talreja shared their first-hand experience of thisinfection.All this information was very useful. But this was the information and guidanceabout our physical health. There is one more aspect of our health i.e. mental /emotional health.Here, I would like to narrate a short story.Long time ago, an epidemic hit the town. The monks and the wise people in thetown got worried and they stood at the outskirts of the town and saw the demonof Disease along with his 2 followers The Death and The Fear. They asked all 3 ofthem how many people would they take along. Disease Said,” I will catch Xnumber of people from this town.” Death said,” I am going to take half of theaffected people.” And Fear told that he was not going to take anyone.The epidemic got over.The Demon Disease attacked X number of people out of which half the peoplewere taken away by The Death. But surprisingly, maximum people were takenaway by the Fear. When the Fear was questioned about that, he said that he hadnot asked anyone to accompany him. But people themselves voluntarily followedhim.Right now, we all are in the same situation. Fear is overpowering us. There is lotof emotional pollution around us. We have lot of questions in our mind. ….about
our job, our profession, how will business work under recessionary conditions,Government initiatives during pandemic.Also worries about our children’s future, their studies, how will the board examshappen, will our children remain safe etc etc…So many disturbed minds around us. We are following social distancing to stayaway from virus infection. But what about “Emotional infection”, fear andanxiety?Every bad thought, worry and emotion affects our body and most important isour children are part of this negative energy.You must have noticed, sometimes children get irritated or angry without anyreason. Sometimes there are personality clashes, sometimes they look disturbed.They can not concentrate in the studies. We see lot of behavioural changes.During last few months, our children have adapted a lot of changes very well.They have adapted online schooling, online tuitions, online exams. But deep intheir mind they are missing their school premises, canteen, meeting with theirpeer group. These teenagers are staying most of the time at home and that too intheir last academic year. Of course, our Principal and teachers are working reallyhard to keep their spirit up.However, at this point of time, we need one person from the family, who is ofcomplete control over emotions and is stable like a lighthouse or an anchor toavoid chaos in the house which we can not afford right now.Our mental strength will ripple positive effect on our children. They feelprotected, safe and confident. So, don’t forget to relax. Sometimes say “Chill”.Take a deep breath. Stay calm. Peace of mind is very important in today’situation.

Covid 19 awareness talk given on 11th November 2020

Kanishka Talrerja
Greetings to all 
We are facing difficult times, the pandemic shows no signs of ending and the no treatment insight.
We all are struggling to cope and maintain our quotients of happiness and patience in these times.
We as humans should take this time to evaluate our lifestyles and learn from each other's mistakes.
My family had contacted covid in the month of June 2020 when my elder son was the first to show symptoms followed by me and then my husband. Living in a joint family, believe me, it was a task. Taking care of a family having a senior citizen, 3 children and others who have comorbidities were looking was daunting. My family doctor and the BMC officials were very helpful and let us quarantine at home with updates given to them.
We were advised to keep separate thermometers, oximeters and steam machines and keep a check with inhalation at least thrice a day.
With a lot of local vendor support, my family was provided with basic amenities and groceries, unlike the support which we expect from online shopping sites like Amazon and Flipkart which made me realise their importance.
I urge all of you to take care, be careful by following the heath protocol and stay home which in turn will keep you safe.
Thank you 

Joyita Tripathi

Greetings to all. This year has been very tough for us especially for the kids though they are coping up well. We have to take care of their mental as well as physical health in this phase. For mental health, we should encourage them with
a new hobby, be it playing a new musical instrument or reading a new book or engaging them in activities like cooking, gardening. For physical health, we should see to it that they are getting enough sunlight daily as the kids are at home for a very long time. We should take them out either early mornings or evenings to the terrace or make them sit in the
balcony. Vitamin D plays an important role in developing immunity. In their diet, we can give them soups with broccoli and spinach or make for them smoothies with yoghurt and strawberries. Whenever we are serving pulses and rice we can
squeeze in a dash of lemon. It is the best and the easiest source of vitamin C that one can get. Then we don’t need any additional supplements. Turmeric milk and honey ginger are age-old remedies for cough and cold.
If we are having a covid infection and recover we shouldn’t consider ourselves to be immune to the disease. There is a possibility that we may be infected again. So we must continue taking proper precautions even after we recover.

Guidelines: Using a MaskGuidelines: Using a Mask
 Wash your hands before putting on the mask.Make sure it covers both nose and mouth and it shouldn't be loosely worn. Do not touch the front of the mask. If you need to adjust, please do so from the sides. Change your mask every 6-8 hours and when it gets moist. If using a disposable mask, threw it in a dustbin with cover or lid and a plastic bag lining. If using cloth masks, wash them with soap and water and use liquid disinfectants like Dettol, fabric softeners (kills 99.9% - 100% germs), etc. Medical/ surgical/ procedure masks may be flat or pleated with cups in front and affixed with steady straps are recommended. If using fabric/ cloth masks, it is recommended to have a double lining. Children aged 5 years and under need not wear masks. Above this age, children above this a need to be carefully trained to wear masks following the above guideline and also it depends on their capacity to appropriately use it.

COVID Meeting held on November 7, 2020

Being a working mother, I had faced challenges initially at both the fronts, office as well as home. My company has equipped us to work from home since March 16, 2020, and it has continued till date. Suddenly, I had to take care of all the household chores as well manage the work pressure. My family has helped me in overcoming these difficulties. They have shared my household responsibilities with mutual understanding. Gradually, I have adapted to the situation and managed both work and home.

 We Indians are fond of festivals and come together to celebrate our happiness. My family has celebrated festivals since March 2020 within the four walls of our house. We have met people virtually using technology and enjoyed Ganpati and Navratri. We are privileged to use the technology of the era and should make use of it to keep out from the crowded places. My family shops online, chat online along with working online to avoid getting any infections. It helps us as well as our community by preventing the spread of this virus. Wish you all, a very happy Diwali. Please celebrate this festival by keeping social distance and taking all necessary precautions. Thank you.

 Jyotsna Korgaonkar

Senior Vice President and Head Operations

Union Asset Management Co. Pvt. Ltd.

(a subsidiary of Union Bank of India)

Parent of Madhura Korgaonkar

Greenlawns School Worli, Standard 7

Date : 3 rd Nov 2020
Definition: An acute respiratory illness in humans caused by coronaviruscapable of producing severe symptoms and in some cases death especially inolder people and those with underline health conditions. It was originallyidentified in china in 2019 and became pandemic in 2020.
Mode of transmission:Through1) Droplets2) FomitesDiagnosis: Through1) RT-PCR for COVID-192) COVID-19 antigen test3) HRCT ChestSigns and Symptoms:Fever, cough and cold.Breathlessness, loss of smell and loss of taste.Vague symptom likeHeadacheBodyache etcSome remain asymptomatic
Complications:1) Covid-19 pneumonia usually occurs after day 8 of illness because ofcytokine storm.2) Thrombosis: Leading to
Myocardial infarctionStrokePulmonary embolism
Monitoring: From day 8 of illness to day 14 monitor oxygen saturation levels, ifany drop in spo2 (below 94%) consult physician immediately. DO NOT SELFMEDICATE.Management:Precautionary measures:-wearing masks – covering nose and mouth-Social distancing between two individuals of 1 meter apart-Hand Sanitization frequently for 20 seconds-Avoid public places-Avoid touching face-To take immunity boosters like Vitamin-C and Zinc Suppliments.
-Symptomatic treatment like Antipyretics, antihistamines and anti-tussives-Antiviral drugs-Anti coagulants
Epidemiology:It is observed that in children (age group of 1 to 9 years) symptoms of COVID-19disease are very mild.Adults have mild to moderate symptoms and elderly people with underlinecomorbidities have moderate to severe disease.Vaccines:
Many vaccines are being developed and undergoing trials, 2 vaccines haverecently been found to be have more than 90% efficacy.The main issues with widespread use of vaccine are rapid production of thevaccine in billions and the need of ultra cold chain for transportation to differentparts of the world.Also the unanswered question is how long will the immunity last after the use ofvaccine.So its best to not let our guards down and continue taking precautions againstCOVID-19 disease.Stay Safe!
Dr Kavitha Ashok GudlaKarthik Gudla, STD : IV

Class 10 PTM on Covid-19

This week, 31st October 2020, the importance and techniques of prevention from Covid 19 where discussed. The meeting was started with our class teacher, Ms Arlene asking us to say the school pledge against the coronavirus. This was followed by a short video showing the way people in South Korea were informed about the key Covid principles with innovative use of drones. After the informative video, Dr Kumar Dussa, parent of Adithya Dussa, being a doctor and the Dean of the Racecourse Mahalakshmi Jumbo Covid Care Hospital volunteered to give some input and household solutions to this pandemic. This is the speech presented by Dr Kumar Dussa on COVID 19: Covid-19 caused by Coronavirus. As it is a virus, it is acellular and does not have its metabolism. It can only multiply when in contact with the mucosal surface of the oral and nasal cavity of a human. So the transmission of the disease is mainly Oral (Mouth) and nasal (nose). This can happen as Airborne (Droplet) or by a contaminated hand reaching the mouth or nose. Virus harbours for some time in the paranasal sinuses (bone cavities) in the forehead and around the nose, where it multiplies exponentially. Then the viruses can enter the lung through the respiratory tract (trachea, bronchi, bronchioles). Once in the lungs, the symptoms of Covid 19 infection appear – Fever, dry cough, breathlessness, weakness, loss of taste and sensation. We can take the following Precautions

  1. Social Distancing: keep a safe distance between individuals, so that Airborne droplet infection does not spread
  2. Mask: to form a barrier and prevent any virus from entering into the nose and mouth
  3. Sanitation of the hands and surfaces alcohol-based chemical, so the virus become ineffective
  4. Steam inhalation: using an electric kettle so that with high temperature, the virus can get inactivated, in the paranasal sinuses and the respiratory tract
  5. Gargle with lukewarm water with a pinch of salt and turmeric
  6. Good nutrition having rich supplements of especially Vitamin B, C and D to boost immunity. Vitamin B: dark leafy vegetables, Broccoli, spinach, almonds, whole grains (Brown rice), millets.
  • Vitamin C: Tomatoes, oranges, lemon, cabbage, spinach, red and green chillies, cauliflower
  • Vitamin D: Milk, milk products, oily fish, red meat, liver, egg yolk
  1. Supplements: in form of daily Vitamin B along with Zinc, C and weekly Vitamin D
  2. Homemade immunity booster Ayurvedic kadhas, using herbs and spices. All the above will avoid COVID 19 infection and hence need to see doctor and hospitalization. Dr Kumar Dussa “S” Mantra to protect against COVID 19

Show not your face (Mask)

Social Distancing


Steam Inhalation


Sleep: Good 7-8 hours’ sleep is useful for the repair process, essential for a healthy body

Screen time: Computers, televisions, mobile. Use only if essential.

Sedentary lifestyle: to be avoided. Engage in some exercise, yoga, cycling, skipping

SECURE FAMILY: by ensuring all above. The advice “My family, my responsibility” by our Chief minister, to be strictly followed.


COVID-19 disease requires special attention as it is the only virus that causes hypoxia (means decreased oxygen saturation) leading to difficulty in breathing. Though it can affect any age group but elderly and young patients with comorbidities are at more risk.Till date the infection in children due to COVID-19 is uneventful (MMR vaccine given to them seems to be protective). Pneumonia and hypoxia are rare. Antiviral agents are not advised till now. Males are more affected than females (female protection is due to hormone oestrogen in them). Since the vaccine is yet to be launched, the disease can only be prevented by:

  1. Increasing your immunity by daily exercises, supplements and a balanced diet. Unfortunately, we do not have a test to measure immunity.
  2. By wearing surgical or N95 mask (kids under 2 years are not allowed to wear a mask.
  3. Maintaining a social distance of 6 feet. This is because microdroplets released during coughing, sneezing or any conversation remain suspended in the air for 4 to 6 hours and travel 3 to 4 feet.
  4. Sanitization of hands (sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol to be used for 20 sec). If at home, frequent washing of hands is advised.

COVID-19 has got a varied presentation from simple fever or severe stroke. Hypoxia, anosmia (decreased smell), dysguesia (altered or loss of taste) are peculiar for coronavirus. If you experience any of this, get tested. Anosmia due to nasal blockage is of short duration (2-3 days).

COVID cases are 80% mild, 15% moderate and severity is 5%. Mild and asymptomatic (tested positive but no symptoms) can be treated at home. Moderate and severe cases need admission in a hospital.

3 Medical Equipment to be kept at home.

  1. Pulse oximeter- (reading of 97% or above is normal) If it is 97% do a six-minute walk test wherein you walk for 6 minutes and take a reading again. If it drops to one or two % or more then urgent admission is required.
  • Prerequisites before taking the reading:

No wet hands, nail polish or broken nails, appropriate finger to be used (mostly middle finger is used). Neither it should be too loose or too tight.

  1. Thermo scan- in this COVID pandemic any temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit is taken as COVID unless proved otherwise. If temperature more than 100 degrees, consult your doctor.
  2. BP operators- If systolic BP (numerator) is less than or equal to 80, it is a matter of concern.


As prophylaxis for all:

  1. Tablet vitamin C- 500mg once a day
  2. Vitamin D supplements
  3. If any history of contact with the positive patient then tablet Ivermectin, tablet vitamin C, capsule doxycycline and paracetamol if fever.


  1. RTPCR- gold standard test. It may be negative for the first two days, so it must be repeated after 48 hours
  2. COVID-19 antigen test- if the test is positive then the patient is positive for COVID if negative then it should be confirmed by RTPCS.
  3. HRCT CHEST- done if fever, cough, breathlessness present and if RTPCR is negative in suspected cases
  4. X-ray changes may be seen after 5 to 6 days (HRCT Test more sensitive than an x-ray)
  5. Blood investigations- CRP, di-dimer, LDH, serum ferritin.

Post-COVID state:

Antibodies may be seen after one or two months. Antibodies may be absent in 10% of mild and asymptomatic cases. When antibodies are absent there are more chances of recurrence of the disease.

If IGM is positive it indicates ongoing infection. If IGG is positive it indicates past infection with COVID.

RTPCR may be positive for two to three months in spite of taking treatment since it detects the dead virus then. The patient is infective only for ten days in mild cases and for 20 days in moderate to severe cases.


Disha Chheda

Mother of Jinay Chheda (STD 9)

The 2019 - 2020 coronavirus pandemic is upending life on a global level as we know it. The highly infectious coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID - 19) is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV - 2). It was first seen in Wuhan, Hubei, China where its outbreak was first identified in December 2019. After almost 3 months, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organisation recognized it as a pandemic considering its significant ongoing spread in multiple countries across the world.  While on one hand people across India and around the globe are largely confined to their homes with business and educational institutions all shut down in an attempt to contain the virus, and on the other hand doctors, health care workers and medical staff members are leading the battle against the COVID-19 from the front. Putting their own lives at risk with selfless determination for the sake of saving a life, they truly are our heroes in these challenging times. While they are putting their own health, families and most importantly their own lives at risk, the least we can do is appreciate their efforts and cooperate by staying safe indoors. That being said, it is good to see tributes pouring in for all the medical heroes working in scrubs. On the occasion of Doctors' Day, the story of the medical heroes is inspiring and heartbreaking at the same time. To support this I would like to add is from a Doctor family I myself have experienced this phase. My father in law being a Doctor we used to see how trying and dangerous it was for everyone. He is a senior citizen we had to take extra efforts to look after him so that we can be fit and do this duty. He used to work for 6 hours at a stretch without a break and even without a sip of water but he never complained and seeing him we felt proud that in this pandemic even for a bit of a thing we were fortunate to serve the country when it needed us.


Dipashri Karania

mother of Niti Karania (STD 2)

Being a working mother with the news of pandemic and lockdown sent shivers to me along with the whole world. I own a chain of salons it was depressing as two of my salons where newly launched just in 2020 but life doesn’t give u chance, we need to utilise the best. So once when govt started to unlock our staff which approximately to around 25 were behind us please start so by taking all the precautionary measures we started the show back. On Homefront kids were restless never used to staying home for such a long time not even meeting their building friends took time to manage and make them understand. My daughter helped me ii n daily chores for a few days as it was new for them. Now slowly and steadily we CMG back to routine life hope we all come safely out of this pandemic soon.


Priti Patil
Mother of Yuvan  Std: 2

Corona and its Impact on Social behaviour: “Man is a social animal.” We love to meet our friends and relatives. It becomes very difficult for human beings to survive without socializing. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we were forced to be at home due to lockdown and other restrictions by governments in the majority of the countries across the world. Since I am from healthcare industry working for a hospital which is treating COVID-19 positive patients, it was mandatory for me rather it was my moral responsibility to attend duty also during the lockdown period. Initially, it was tuff and like every other person, I was scared. It was very difficult to get adjusted in the work environment. I had realized that it was very important to be aloof from my colleagues and also make them realize the importance of maintaining a physical distance. With a heavy heart, I had to tell them to stay away from me, not to share lunch and avoid using each other desk. The stress due to COVID-19 was growing day by day as I was also worried about my family & my in-laws as we stay in the same building. The only way and option to stay safe was to avoid meeting friends and keeping away from groups. There was an incidence in our office wherein four of our colleagues who used to have lunch together but unfortunately, one of them turned positive. Later after 4 to 5 days other three also were tested positive. There was panic all over and suddenly people who had a callous attitude were seen taking care, maintaining social distancing and following prescribed sanitization measures. In spite of these COVID-19 cases started increasing gradually in our office and there was fear and panic. People who were best of friends started avoiding each other or rather maintained distance. People meet only to discuss work. This was our office new work culture but outside things were different. Residential buildings and societies were not observing the protocols set by the government. I could see neighbours’ exchanging food, meeting on the terrace, children playing, going to each other houses without wearing a mask. During Ganpati, one of our neighbours invited me to their house but I gracefully denied stating that I am exposed to COVID-19 environment more than anyone and it would be risky for them if I visited their place. Later it was found that three of their family members were positive and others who had visited their place had to be quarantined. Fortunately, they all recovered but the trauma they must have gone through is saddening. My Family; My Responsibility - A government-run campaign, wherein each one of us should be responsible for themselves as well as for their family members. Physical distancing should be maintained at all times, proper hand sanitizers should be used, washing hand at regular intervals and the most important of all wearing a mask and disposing of it in the right way. Mask should be worn covering the nose, mouth and chin. Corona and its Impact on Mental Health: COVID-19 situation has led to stress and psychological disorder in adults as well as kids. We just can’t imagine the stress kids must be going through with no outing, parks, restaurants etc. It is important that we share information regarding COVID-19 with our kids, teach them sanitization and use of the mask. Give them attention to make them feel important. Play with them spends time with them. Do not force them to do activities because other kids are doing. Let them select what they want to do. Make them Monitor at Home. “Let them be Apke Ghar ka Chaukidar” Do not neglect medical attention: It seems many people who were suffering from other aliments apart from COVID-19 had to suffer as they were reluctant to visit hospitals in the COVID-19 situations. This should not be the case as all the hospitals are taking proper precautions to segregate COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients and also, there are different areas for COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients. We should not ignore non-COVID-19 aliments and immediately consult your doctor or hospital if required.

Date: 24/10/20
Guest speaker: Mrs Mahek Talreja
Parent of: Sia Talreja
I would like to share a few words which were spoken by me in the PTA meeting held on 24th October 2020 regarding Covid awareness. I would also like to share my experience during the tough Covid times in my house. It all started when the elder son of our family was tested Covid positive. We all were very tensed at that moment and did not know how to deal with the situation at that time. After two days my brother in law was tested positive, due to this we all were separated from each other and both of them were isolated in one room. The next day the BMC people came and put a sticker outside our door and provided us with the necessary medication at that time. It was difficult to communicate and separate the children from each other, but as a team, we managed to get over the difficult times. I would like to thank the doctors, BMC people who helped us during those difficult times. I would also like to thank our principal, teachers and our friends who encouraged our children the most and supported them. Thankfully we were at home and not hospitalised.
So please follow the rules set by the government like :
1)Wear a mask properly
2)Maintain  social distancing 
3) Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.




We all are aware of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic across the world.

I am sure, we all are following the necessary precautions, advised by the health officials to prevent its spread as well as to protect ourselves. Our honourable prime minister, Mr. Narendra Modi ji has launched the jan- andolan for covid-19 appropriate behaviour.

But why it is needed? When we all are aware and following the basic preventive steps.

Because, with the lock down almost getting over and the ongoing festive season, more people are bound to venture out for work, shopping, visiting the relatives etc. Which can cause a surge in new cases of covid-19, which we definitely don’t want to face. Hence to prevent it, we have to follow three basic steps/rules as there is no cure and vaccine available yet.

1)Wear face mask:   don’t step out of the home without the mask.

Wear the mask properly covering your nose and mouth both.

Discarding mask is equally important. If using disposable, wrap it in a newspaper then only throw it in binit using reusable, wash it after every single use.

2)Wash your hands:  frequently wash your hands with any regular soap and water for at least 20-30 seconds or any hand sanitizer having 70% alcohol content.

3)Follow social distancing:  although it is impossible to follow it in our crowded city, avoid going out unless necessary. Even if you have to go out, follow the guidelines issued by the at least the soaps of the malls, cinema theatres, hotels etc.

Recently BMC has started a programme maze kutumb mazi jababdari (my family my responsibility) where health official will come to collect your and your family's health stats.

Please co-operate, don’t panic and hide your symptoms if you have any in fear of isolation.

Early detection leads to early cure without progressing to complications.

Dr Shilpa Mishra

  • steam n mouth gargle daily
 • pulse oximeter n temp
 • check for Oxygen level if below 95Be  alert
 • all food to be heated if outside food to be consumed pl heat it or microwave heat it
 • avoid all cold things n things that may be prone to cause cold
 • Take All vitamin supplement in natural form as much as possible do not overdose yourself with a daily intake of vitamins
 • Avoid going to crowded places n any social or family gathering
 • Frequently keep washing your hands with soap n water
 • No common rules for patients infected with corona
All people exhibit different symptoms
Even asymptomatic pts with home quarantine be in constant touch with doctors
 • Any doubt or symptoms of cold pl consult your doctor immediately n please a big n sincere request do not do self-medication n follow the google advice.
 • Also home quarantine on 14day a pt went in organ failure so don't take it lightly
 • Also l wonder people are not using face masks in the market place
Dadar your  Crawford market etc
please teach your children to be humble human n keep helping people at all times irrespective of what others do
to you .learn to forgive n forget.
 • Please use washable curtains in the house.
 • Do not use heavy decorative curtains with scallops where the virus goes n sticks n cannot be washed. 



Parents of MAHIR SHAH STD 4

COVID-19 which has engulfed whole world is infectious disease caused by coronavirus. WHO learned about this virus from cases in Wuhan, China. The common symptoms where fever, fatigue, loss of taste and smell, shortness of breath. The origin of this virus is still a mystery and various theories are floated by various Health Organization. We have been in lockdown for six months and initially our life had come to standstill. Two decades back, Japanese showed us wearing mask helped them to fight against SARS, learning from their experience our government made it mandatory to wear mask in public places. Social distancing and washing hands thoroughly for 20 sec. and these became our golden weapon to fight against virus. One must wear threefold mask right from covering nose to chin. Many times, when I am out, I see people wearing mask, but keep uncovered nose. They forget that virus can enter through nose as well. Social distancing is also important when we in public places.  Please use these golden weapons wisely and save yourself from this virus.

Date - 22-11-2020
Jaanya Gada
Std 4
I would like to share my covid experience.There was a case in my building he had quarantined himself in
a separate room and other members also followed the protocols.A few building members rather than
being empathetic added on to their misery. I would like to request each and everyone if we can be of
any help by just asking the family if they need anything and providing them with the essential that is
Thank you.

Covid 19 Speech 21/11/2020
The meeting was started with our class teacher, missArlene asking us to say the school pledge against the coronavirus. This is Dr Swathi Dussa’s today’s speech earlier Dr Dussa and Mrs Talreja have mentioned the important points to be safe from covid 19. As an ayurvedic physician, I will touch some points on how to take care of our health and our immune system in this covid times1. Positive thinking: A negatively influenced brain decreases our immunity. A positive approach to everything will always give us the strength to face any difficulty.2. Stress-free: When we are in stress some chemical reactions occur in our body which affects our immune system and lowers our immunity so be stress-free. For that, we should to meditation and yoga and exercises.3. Healthy diet: we should take a healthy [satvik]diet, our kitchen is our dispensary. in our kitchen we have all sort of spices which have great medicinal value and can boost up our immunity.Spices like: Haldi: it acts as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory
B: Jeera: regulates digestion: Methi: helps in controlling diabetes: Lavang: acts as an anti-microbial agent, helps in toothache, stomach upsets and aids in digestion: Dalchini: helps in cough n cold, digestive disorders: Elaichi: helps in anaemia and digestion and helps in bad breath: Ajwain: they are rich in fibre, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. It gives instant relief from Acidity and indigestion, common cold, H: kalimirch: prevents cancers, constipation, depression, helps in respiratory diseases, skin problems, aids in digestion and many more which can be used as anti-oxidants.
Herbs like: Tulsi: Symbolising purity, Tulsi helps in clearing respiratory diseases, lowers blood pressure, relieves Arthritis and acts as an excellent antiseptic. Dhaniya: It helps in the cleansing of blood and lowers blood pressure.
 Pudina: It reduces acidity and relieves us from any pain.
And many more which boost our immunity and have medicinal values.All Vegetables have vitamins, minerals, and fibres with health benefits which help in the overall increase in immunity and keep the body healthy. Consumption of vegetables, fruits, legumes and pulses with peels increases the number of red blood cells in our body due to the presence of methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12) in them. It is recommended to soak all of the vegetable and fruits in salt water for about 30 minutes to remove any harmful pesticides from their surface.
Daily intake of certain decoctions on an empty stomach out of the above-mentioned spices and herbs is highly recommended for good health.
Dry Fruits such as almonds, cashews, pistachios, walnuts, figs, raisins etc, should be soaked the night before and the water in which they were soaked should be consumed for their utmost benefits. This water acts as a health tonic for the day.
A til laddu made with sesame seeds and jaggery(Palm Jaggery) would provide our daily requirement of calcium and Glycin. The coronavirus directly attacks the glycine in our body for its development. Glycine is an amino acid which helps in neuro-transmission and can be replenished only with the intake of sesame seeds. Calcium is not directly absorbed by the body and vitamin D is needed to help the bones take in calcium. Direct sunlight is the best and the most efficient source of Vitamin D.Immunity can be maintained by a daily intake of fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C (Orange, Amla,Lemon, Bitter gourd, Capsicum and other citrus consumables). Water must be stored in copper vessels which makes water structured which has similar properties to water that hasn’t been polluted or that hasn’t been contaminated by human processes.
Coronavirus is nowhere getting close to being cured. Vaccines cannot be depended on because they take at least five years for a virus. Vaccines can also have many side effects. This leaves us with only one choice and that is to defend ourselves from this virus by increasing our immunity. Home remedies are the best remedies
with almost no side effects. If the above steps are incorporated in our daily lives, along with Masks, SocialDistancing, regular hand washes, steam inhalations and drinking warm water, we will be safe from the deadly outbreak of this virus.
By Swathi DussaPhone no.

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Teachers Day Celebrations

Date: 05-09-2020

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Virtual Celebration of Independence Day

Date: 15-08-2020

Respected Principal Ms Caroline,
Let me begin by thanking you and the entire staff of GSW and also the council members for
organising a wonderful virtual event on the joyous occasion of India’s Independence Day. After
being a part of this very well conducted event, I felt that I should share my thoughts with you all.
As a teacher, I had been worried at the beginning of the lockdown about what would happen to
all our children, would there be a pause in their education, would they lose a crucial year, would
they lose their momentum, get demotivated? But after hearing them today, I realised that my
fear was completely baseless! Our children are fighting this adversity so fearlessly and enhancing
their learning so skillfully, that in fact, they shall not only get over this tough period easily but
emerge as confident young adults who will bring about a positive change in our society.
Thank you, Ms Caroline, for being at the forefront of bringing about and facilitating this transition
in the best possible manner! 
Ms Yojana Kotrial
Preprimary Section


Greenlawns School, Worli.

STANDARD 5 - stone age tools and artefacts

Date: 07-08-2020

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Online Music Competition for Grandparents and Parents

Date: 17-05-2020

Judges: Rohan Pradhan music director and singer Rohan Shivalkar Film director producer writer animator:  Anshuman Vichare actor and singer

Winners:  1st - Radha Shinde      2nd - Narayan Rampalli    consolation prize -  Dhananjay Keer and Chandrakant Ghagra  

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Daddy Cool MasterChef Competition

Date: 16-05-2020

Prize Winners-

1st - Mr. Sumit Shah; 2nd - Mr. Pramod Parmar; 3rd - Mr. Amit Jain; Consolation - Mr. Deep Chedda


Feedback from the participants:

1) Mr. Sumit Shah - Great efforts are taken to organize such an event. I really enjoyed it and learned new skills. Thank you.

2) Mr. Pramod Parmar - Thank you for organizing such a unique event. Benefits of lockdown.

3) Amit Jain - Thank you so much for organizing such an event and it became a special one for me as it was my wife's birthday. You made her day as this year I was not prepared with any gift. It was special for her.

4) Deep Chedda - Thank you Principal ma'am & all the teachers for organizing such a lovely, healthy, and friendly competition. We really enjoyed a lot. Please do try our recipe at home.

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Online Art-Craft Competition for Parents

Date: 10-05-2020

 Winners of the competition:

1st place - Sneha Koli - Mother of Yug Koli (Std-2);  2nd place - Mandar Tari - Father of Gargi Tari (Std-1);   3rd place - Seema Jain - Mother of Vivaan Jain (Std-3)