Greenlawns School, Worli.

Reading Day – Birth Anniversary of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was a visionary and his dream was to transform India into a developed nation. He encouraged every citizen to embrace the myriad opportunities that came our way which would enable us to reach our goals. Dr. Kalam always stressed on the need for education. He once famously said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. He believed that education could help the country win over poverty. He always stressed the importance of reading. According to Dr. Kalam, reading helped us to imagine, broaden our thinking, thereby helping us to visualize and invent. On 15th October 2019, to commemorate the auspicious birth anniversary of the great visionary that was Dr. Kalam, the students spent some time reading novels, biographies, newspapers, or any book of their choice. The students enjoyed their time reading as it brought a change from their routine timetable. Some of them were even motivated to

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Teachers' Day 2019-20

Greenlawn School, Worli celebrated Teacher’s Day with zeal and zest on September 5, 2019. our school gave a grand reception to  the respected teachers on the occasion of Teachers’ Day, the  birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s. There was an unusual  excitement in the school atmosphere which was quite contagious.  The students of classes X took over the duties of the teachers for  the day. They put tikka and showered flowers on the teachers as  soon as they entered the school and also sang songs for them. A  special morning assembly was held in which the students paid homage  to their teachers through poems, dance performances, and speeches.  The teachers felt that this program was a treat to watch. The  Principal, Ms. Caroline, addressing the entire school, lauded the  entire staff for their exemplary contribution to the school’s  phenomenal success. There was a special celebration for teachers  which included games with many prizes followed by a grand lunch  given by the management. The Principal, Ms. Caroline appreciated the  sincerest efforts of the teachers in playing a catalytic role in the  holistic development of every student. Teachers in Charge - Ms. Arlene Ms. Sonal.

Greenlawns School, Worli.

THE PERFECT 32 (Dental Checkup)

Our Principal, Ms. Caroline Vaz never tires of displaying her benevolent ways, on one such occasion she organized a free Dental Check-Up on the 8 of August 2019, by Dr. Ashmi for the entire lot of 400 students and staff. This included the support staff too. Each of these students and staff was given a thorough dental check and tips to maintain Oral hygiene. They were given a small gift of a toothbrush each. The doctors advised the students how they could avoid eating sugary foods that could cause a cavity, for those that have the sweet tooth, it could lead to obesity too and many other complications. This way children learn to be cautious and mindful of what they eat, how they must avoid the bad breath, and the importance of brushing in the right manner, at least twice a day.

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Guru Poornima

13th October 2019

Guru Poornima is an Indian festival that is celebrated as per the Hindu Moon Sign calendar to express reverence towards your Guru, your teacher, or mentors. It falls on the day of the full moon or Poornima of Ashadh month. The word Guru has been derived from two parts -Gu that means darkness and Ru that is the antidote to the darkness. Naturally, the word Guru implies someone who takes us away from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. This assembly was commenced in the presence of our dear Principal, Ms. Caroline Vaz, and all the teachers of Greenlawn's School, Worli in the School Hall on Tuesday, 16th July 2019 Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah | Guruh sakshat parabrahma tasmai Shri guru Namah || Meaning - Realize that the Guru is Brahma Himself. He is Vishnu and he is also Shiva (Maheshwar). Guru is Parabrahma (Supreme God or the Absolute Truth). With this knowledge, I (salute) offer my obeisance to the Guru. Assembly began with the chanting of the above shloka by all the students present at the assembly for all the Gurus in school. Our Principal, Ms. Caroline made students understand the Respect, Value, and love for the teachers through her motivational words. Followed by the speech in English by Ms.Reema Wagh and a speech in Hindi by Ms. Rohini Kamble. Assembly concluded with the beautiful poem written by Ms. Vandana Mishra and thanks for giving to all the Gurus in School by our Head boy and Head girl. It is the 1 st time ever Guru Poornima was celebrated on such a large scale at Greenlawn's School, Worli where all the teachers from all the sections were present to bless all the children under the guidance and support of our dear principal, Ms. Caroline Vaz. Teachers In-charge:Ms. Reema Wagh Ms. Rohini Kamble

Greenlawns School, Worli.

A Visit to the Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N

Marvel’s Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N., an immersive exhibit and retail venue opened in  Mumbai on 19th September 2019 at Universal Square, High Street Phoenix, Lower Parel. The exhibit was opened to all age groups. The exhibit featured authentic props from the movies, special effects, and equipment such as Captain America’s uniform and shield, Bruce Banner’s laboratory, Hawkeye and Black Widow’s suits and gear, Iron Man’s suits, The Hulkbuster armor, Thor’s hammer, and so on. Our School planned a trip to the Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N on 17th October 2019. The students from standard 3 to standard 9 were taken for this trip. The children enjoyed themselves as they got a chance to see the suits and special equipment of their favourite superheroes. The guide guided them through with information about the different suits, materials used to make them and so on. The children got a chance to get their hands on Thor’s hammer as well as on some VR and AR Avengers-themed games. The children enjoyed themselves and went home with sweet memories.

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Children’s Day

With the guidance and mentoring of our Principal this year we celebrated Children’s Day with a difference. On Friday, 15th November 2019 we organized different visits for different classes, where children from Std 9 and 10 visited the Old Aged Home at Andheri where the children put up dances and played some old-time Hindi and English songs. They spoke to the inmates of the place and before leaving the inmates sang a song and said a few words of thanks The day didn’t end there our primary section along with Std 6 entertained and shared a meal with the St Anthony’s orphanage kids who were accompanied by their teachers. Each child was given a take away before leaving. The hospitality received from our kids was appreciated with those warm smiles that they gave on their way out. Our visit to Our Lady’s Home was another learning experience for our children where the Rector told them that these children who are there are not so lucky as they are and then took us around to see their study hall, dormitory, and their dining hall. It was amazing that our little kids of std 1 understood the difference. Our children from pre-primary, primary, and secondary gave generously different necessities like talcum powder, toothbrush, toothpaste, soaps, cream, shampoo, biscuits, towels, bedsheets, etc. Our kids learned that ‘Service before Self’ is important and three cheers to them for this wonderful celebration. HAPPY CHILDREN’S DAY TO GSW KIDS 2019 -2020 -Ms. Mariette, Ms. Vandana, Sir Rajendra, Ms. Sonal, Ms. Isha & Ms. Donna

Greenlawns School, Worli.

15th August - Independence Day & Raksha Bandhan Celebrations

This academic year of 2019; on the auspicious occasion of Independence Day and Raksha Bandhan we at Greenlawn's School, Worli decided to do things differently under the guidance of our Principal, Ms. Caroline Vaz. Our children made cards and ‘Rakhis’ for our soldiers posted at the border, guarding our sacred land. This was done to inculcate the values of respect, love, empathy, happiness, a sense of gratitude, and patriotism to our children. This was also important as we made them realize that soldiers of the army have a very tough life. They do not celebrate festivals with loved ones the way we do. The children displayed immense skill and unique ideas while making these cards. Teacher in Charge: Mrs. Alpa Shah

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Grandparents’ Day (2019-20)

“Grandparents are a delightful blend of laughter, caring deeds, wonderful stories, and Love. They fill our hearts with love, touch our souls, and leave an irreplaceable impression on our lives.” As a tribute to the uncountable sacrifices made by our grandparents, our school organized the Grandparents’ Day celebration for the grandparents of the students of Standard One on Thursday, 18 to July 2019. The celebration commenced by welcoming the grandparents who arrived dressed in their Sunday best. The students of Standard One performed a song and dance for their grandparents. This truly brought joy to the faces of many grandparents while some of them were teary-eyed too. The teachers also conducted several games for their grandparents. Some of the games included Housie, Musical Chairs, and ‘Bombing the Saas, Sasur, Bahu or Damaad’. A few grandparents also joked about who their favorite bahu or damage was. The grandparents were energetic and left no stone unturned in trying to win every game. All the winners were awarded wonderful prizes. The students of Standard One also served a few refreshments to their grandparents. The greatest result of the Grandparents’ Day celebration was the fact that the grandparents were allowed to spend some quality time with their grandchildren in school. The day’s events filled the grandparents with abundant happiness and joy and it depicted the strong bond that all the grandparents shared with their grandchildren. It was a truly wonderful sight to see all the grandparents fuss over their grandchildren and shower them with endless love when the celebration was over. Our grandparents truly are the backbone of our household and it is only vital that we acknowledge their importance every day. -Ms. Meeta Purav Ms. Reema Wagh Ms. Gretel D’mello

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Support Staff Birthday Celebration

Our thoughtful Principal, Miss Caroline has ushered in a new trend which was a pleasant surprise to many. The Principal decided to celebrate the birthdays of the peons too. This gesture was truly appreciated and acknowledged by all of them. Never before in their years of service have they felt so special and loved. They were moved beyond words and this helped everyone to bond well. Thank You Miss Caroline.  

Greenlawns School, Worli.

National Education Day

11th November 2019