Greenlawns School, Worli.

Monteria Village Trip

Date: 29-01-2024

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Greenlawns School, Worli.

Republic Day Celebration

Date: 26-01-2024

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Greenlawns School, Worli.

Ahmedabad Trip: Standard 5 & 6

Date: 05-12-2023

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Greenlawns School, Worli.

Funfair & Dandiya

Date: 27-10-2023

The wonderful PTA Committee organised the funfilled event in collaboration with the school.

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Greenlawns School, Worli.

Chocolate Day Celebration

Date: 07-07-2023

Greenlawns School, Worli.

RSP Camp at Igatpuri

Date: 29-06-2023

The school organised an RSP Camp at Igatpuri at the Manas Lifestyle Resort for Grade 3 to Grade 10 students. It was a fun-filled trip with RSP activities and a DJ night for the students. The trip also included a visit to a gorgeous dam and Vipassana Meditation Centre. 

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Greenlawns School, Worli.

Yoga Day

Date: 21-06-2023

International Yoga Day Celebration

Greenlawns School, Worli.

World Productivity Day

Date: 20-06-2023


Be Productive; Be the Change

World Productivity Day, which is celebrated on June 20 each year, emphasises on the value of productivity. People might also learn how to be more efficient. The goal of ‘World Productivity Day’ is to raise awareness of the value of productivity in living the best possible life. Making the most of your time and being more beneficial to yourself, allows you to have more time for enjoyable activities, and after all who wouldn't want more of that?

The inspiration to celebrate ‘World Productivity Day’ was the dynamic Principal – Dr, Sanjay Roy, who the need to enhance the creativity of the students. Once the students heard about the importance of this day, they got to work by enthusiastically making useful items from waste material like plastic bottles, cardboard, tin containers and coconut shells. From the entrance of the school to the decoration of the assembly hall, Greenlawns School, Worli was adorned with décor made from waste items.

The students from Grade 1 to 10, spent an hour and a half making something innovative out of waste materials. Many students came up with admirable work. Students worked extremely hard to make plausible items like clocks, pen stands, paper bags, wall hangings, a soft toy or a drum set.

This initiative also highlights the waste-to-resource approach. It promotes a paradigm shift in the management of solid waste. Under this approach, rather than viewing waste as a crucial burden, it is seen as a valuable resource, one that can be managed to produce sustainable benefits for a wide range of people.

All innovation starts with a small idea and is refined with research, crowd sourcing and experimentation.  Afterall, it’s not just about ideas, it’s about making the unimaginable happen. At Greenlawns School, Worli, the Principal, staff and students believe in making our world a better place by innovating ways of contributing to our resources. ‘Productivity is an art of thriving oneself; It is the way of developing our skillset.’


Greenlawns School, Worli.

Unicorn Entrepreneurship Programme

Date: 20-06-2023

Unleash Your Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Unicorn Entrepreneurship Program at Greenlawns School, Worli.

 Are you a young dreamer with a passion for innovation and a burning desire to make a difference in the world? Do you aspire to become an entrepreneur and bring your creative ideas to life? Then, Entrepreneurship is your oyster. Entrepreneurship is the way to inculcate many qualities that include leadership, eagerness to change the world, curiosity to explore more and a skill to make an impact with one's eloquence.

To make children aware about how they could embark on this intriguing journey in entrepreneurship, Greenlawns School, Worli conducted the ‘Unicorn Entrepreneurship Programme’ on Tuesday, 20th June 2023. Unicorn, renowned for fostering entrepreneurship and supporting budding visionaries, has partnered with Greenlawns School, Worli to create a transformative platform for young minds.

The school's passionate Principal – Dr. Sanjay Roy, the experienced facility, along with their commitment to holistic education, make this entrepreneurship programme ideal to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary to become successful entrepreneurs and leaders in their respective fields. It offers a unique blend of education, mentorship, and practical experiences, setting the stage for a thrilling journey of self-discovery and innovation.

Through interactive workshops, inspiring talks by successful entrepreneurs, and hands-on projects, participants will gain valuable insights into business planning, marketing strategies and financial management. They will learn how to identify opportunities, take calculated risks, and transform ideas into viable ventures.

As part of the program, students got the chance to work closely with mentors who are accomplished entrepreneurs themselves. These mentors guided and have inspired participants, provided valuable advice, shared their personal experiences, and helped the participants to navigate the challenges and obstacles that come with building a business. The program fostered an environment of collaboration, where students could exchange ideas, form partnerships, and build a network of like-minded individuals.

To put their skills to the test, students participated in a thrilling entrepreneurship quiz, which challenged their knowledge and critical thinking abilities. This quiz served as a platform for participants to showcase their understanding of entrepreneurship concepts and their ability to apply them to real-world scenarios. It was not only a competition but also an opportunity for personal growth and learning.

The participants got the opportunity to ‘Unleash their entrepreneurial spirit, tap into their potential in order to discover the path to success.’

Greenlawns School, Worli.

Reading Day

Date: 19-06-2023

World Reading Day

A common saying prevails ‘Once a reader always a reader.’ Reading is important because it develops one’s mind, gives a person excessive knowledge and teaches people life lessons. A child who reads, grows up to have better cognitive skills. It also makes children more empathetic and humble. The students of Greenlawns School, Worli too participated in a ‘one of a kind’ reading activity with extreme enthusiasm.

In the morning assembly, the respected principal of Greenlawns School, Worli – Dr. Sanjay Roy announced that each class would conduct a thirty minute reading activity where the students would read news or novels in school. The young minds of Greenlawns School, Worli were beaming with excitement to participate in the activity the second they got the news.  The students could not wait to get back to their classes and start reading. Afterall, what can be better than spending some time reading peacefully? With utmost concentration, the students were hooked to their respective NIE newspapers finding catchy and fascinating articles catering to their likings.

While conducting this activity, the teachers seemed as enthusiastic as the students. They were great hosts, and they conducted this activity with ease. They also encouraged the students to read more articles and rejoice in the process of learning. All the students were diligently engrossed in their newspapers. The children were utterly disappointed to leave their newspapers after an engrossing thirty minutes. This activity has engraved a feeling of attachment towards reading in all the students. 

In a time when video games and social media have controlled the lives of children, the reading activity has brought about profound change in the attitude of the children towards the importance of reading. Many children have begun to feel the need to inculcate a healthy habit of reading.

No wonder they say - Books are one’s best friend.